Central Avenue Bus Service

Our Equipment
Central Avenue Bus services is a transportation contractor, committed to providing our clients information that meets all their transportation needs. We have access to all types of transportation vehicles and will be a resource or liason for receiving great prices when it comes to transportation. Our fleet comprises of 44 passenger school buses and 12 passenger mini bus with 2 wheelchair positions.
Our Services
Central Avenue Bus Service offers a host of services making transportation for your organization easy and affordable. We offer Booking Convenience, Best Price Comparison, Transportation Program Development, and Route Mapping. Our number one priority is customer service. Whatever the need is, as it relates to transportation, we can assist. We also offer bus attendants for field trips and daily bus routes.

Booking Convenience - 4 ways
1. Send a text message to 240.472.1072 with your trip information (date, pick up location, time of pick up and drop off, destination).
2. Click on Transportation Request and fill out the application.
3. Click on "Hire us" and fill in your contact information and request
4. Call 240-472-1072
Note: Reservation confirmations are sent via gmail invites. If you prefer a different way please indicate so. Thank you for yur business.
2021-2022 Reservation Policy:
Any changes to a reservation that occur less than 24hrs prior to group pick up will be charged $25.00 per change. These changes include but are not limited to any change that affects driver and/or bus type (i.e. – change of pick up time or location, destination, upgrading to larger bus size, etc.). Cancellations less than 24 hrs prior to group pick up, will be charged a 4-hour minimum. Any hours of operation beyond the details listed above that are extended by traffic, weather, event timing issues, or circumstances beyond the control of Transportation Services is charged an additional fee of $25/hr to include over time rates for the driver. Any vehicle expense, such as parking, toll ways, etc. will be reimbursable by the Client. Pricing is based on 2021-2022 School Year and discount.